Cell has undertaken a project to develop non invasive wearable electrochemical sensor for MAS Innovation (Private) Limited. Research work has stared in early October 2016 and the Cell has recruited a research assistant for the project. The objectives of the project was to make a skin compatible, reusable sensor which has an accuracy level within 80% of next best alternative in the market. The research team has got some promising results. Discussions are underway to check the possibility of commercializing the proposed product. MAS is still working with the cell on further developing the sensor platform.

First meeting with MAS representatives on January 28, 2016

Research team at the progress meeting on October 20,2016

MOU Signing on October 01, 2016
Dr. M.N. Kaumal
Dr. H.R. Perera
Dr. G.H.C.M. Hettiarachchi
Research Assistant:
Ms. H. H. A. M. Ruvini
Ms. K.M. Perera