Cell & Samson International PLC are working together for the second time to develop a temperature sensitive paint for hot water bottles. The research work has started in early September 2016. The team visited the Samson International PLC On November 29, 2016 to discuss the future plans as well as to get the feedback from the company staff and to understand to process of making rubber products. This project is ended in March 29, 2017. The team visited the Samson International PLC again on the same day and meet the Chairman and had a discussion on how to commercialize the product and handover the final report to the Chairman.

Research assistant working at the Lab.

Research assistant working at the lab

Potentiostat used to test sensors

Sensor platform
Dr. M.N. Kaumal
Dr. H.R. Perera
Dr. Chamari Hettiarachchi
Research Assistant:
Mr. Suhan PAnditharatne
Ms. O.A. Joseph
Ms. H.N.C. Wijerathne
Client :
MAS Innovations (Pvt) Ltd