Cell is working with MAS Innovations (Private) Limited to develop a purification method for waste water generated from the apparel industry. Research work has started in mid September 2016. This project is handled by the consultants from Department of Physics & Department of Chemistry. Now the repurchases have finished their work and the results are promising. The MAS Innovation is in the process of using the method in their facilities.

Meeting with MAS representatives on January 28, 2016

Research assistant working at the lab.

Visit to MAS Fabric park on October 17, 2016

Waste water treatment facility at MAS Fabric park, Thulhiriya.
Dr. D.R. Jayasundara (Physics)
Dr. S.M. Vithanaarachchi (Chemistry)
Research Assistant:
Ms. S.D.K. Meedin,
MAS Innovation (Private) Limited